Deity of Clouds

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Beautiful game by DollDivie. Here is what she said about the game:The Deity - Yun Zhong Jun was a deity featured in the poem "Jiu Ge" from the famous poetry anthology, "Chu Ci" (楚辭‧九歌), by ancient poet, Qu Yuan (屈原).The Clothing - This game features ancient Chinese Hanfu ("clothing of the Han people"). It was popular in China until the take over by the Qing dynasty, which enforced styles that many westerns are more familiar with, such as the qipao. Ancient hanfu is thought to be the precursor to the better known Japanese kimono.The Artwork - The inspiration for the art style came from the beautiful illustrations of Hua Sanchuan (華三川 1930-2004), in particular his "Book of 100 Beauties".

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